miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

Some thoughts about Jughead #1

Jughead will need to face his biggest fear: Getting out of food.

There's a new principal in the school and he has new rules he wants to execute and those affect Jughead the most. Now if he wants to get his favorite dishes back he will need use all his imagination.

I wouldn't have even looked at this issue if it wasn't because I loved the recently relaunched Archie series and especially the new portrayal of Jughead as a pretty cool and smart guy who always seem to know what to say and do.

This issue written by Chris Zdarski fits into the style that was already established in such series portraying a Jughead who oozes personality and quickly becomes the most interesting character to have around. The rest of the classic cast like Archie and Betty also have an appearance but they obviously work as supporting characters here.

There some interesting aspects about the book like how the tone of the issue can quickly change from something mundane to fantastic thanks to Jughead's imagination and the transition works nicely complementing the story.

Erica Henderson handles art duties here and her work is certainly perfect for the series since her cartoony and expressive style manages to get the best from the comedic moments.

Solid issue, more invested in the Archie universe than ever.

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