miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

Some thoughts about Earth 2: Society #5

Earth 2 is getting ruined.

The Flash feels like he's not competent enough as a superhero and things will go even worse once that fame gets over his head and starts avoiding his responsibilities.

There are SO MANY things going wrong with this issue that I don't know where to begin with.

Let's start for the first and most obvious: Jay is portrayed terribly here.

When he was first introduced by James Robinson, Jay was portrayed as a young man who didn't know what to do with his life but he quickly learned once that he received his powers and started to become a hero by himself.

Here however, Daniel H. Wilson's awful characterization turned him into a completely irresponsible kid (who is somehow 19 now instead of 21 as when he first appeared) who likes to get drunk and be an ass while he should be saving people. This is a complete disrespect of the premise of the character but is something that you should expect at this point from the author.

I'm not a fan of how incompetent he is portrayed compared to both Val-Zod and Batdick who are less experienced heroes than him. Sure, he does the right thing at the end but I don't think it was necessary to go into the whole terrible depiction.

Plus, I don't even like Earth 2 Jimmy Olsen but I don't think I'm okay with portraying him as a downright villain.

Good things? Oh, Kendra appeared here. Waiting to see how she's mishandled.

Jorge Jimenez is still in charge of the art and while his style is getting better and better with each issue, the storytelling is a bit wonky at times.

Characters are either poorly portrayed or killed and in some cases both. Stay away from this.

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