miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

Some thoughts about Transformers: Redemption #1

The war is not over for some people.

Slug has been feeling terrible for a while due to the nature of his actions but he will have no time to think about it since there's a mission that only the Dinobots can take, one that could define the future for everyone.

This one-shot works as sequel to Transformers: Punishment but at the same time works perfectly as its own story.

John Barber works once again in one of the characters from Punishment, Slug, and this time he dedicates his time to develope him and the rest of the Dinobots in pretty logical ways considering their own history. About weapons that have only been used for war and now that such work is over, they don't know what to do. It's a pretty interesting way to create character progression and it certainly delivers a nice closure at the end.

Not only that but the rest of the cast contributes interesting contrasts for the plot. Including Barricade, the ex-Decepticon turned cop and a Camien called Strafe, they both serve a good purpose for the events here and are also compelling characters on their own.

In terms of the story, is surprisingly important for the future and the developments here will most certainly play an important role in the future.

Livio Ramondelli handles the art and his work is pretty fitting for this kind of tale since he manages to make every moment big with a pretty unique style.

Solid issue, hope to see some of these characters again in upcoming stories.

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