miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

Some thoughts about Batgirl #45

Is Alysia's wedding day and Barbara couldn't be happier... until someone came back.

Dick Grayson has returned and that ironically could ruin the whole day for Barbara unless she decides not to play his game, what will her decision be?

Okay, there are some things that really worked and others that didn't.

For one, this is a pretty interesting moment for all the characters, particularly Alysia despite of her being a supporting cast from the previous run and not having a really recurring one in this one. It seems like Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcher are focused on making progress in every person in Babs' life and that's a pretty nice thing to do. Most of the rest of the cast is also portrayed accurately.

I say "most" because, and here comes the problem, Dick Grayson was completely out of character here.

Dick acted as a, well, dick. Interrupting everyone's plans and trying to seduce Barbara despite that she is currently with Luke Fox, despite that he has been in several other relationships at this point and of course, despite that he made everyone believe that he was dead.

Having followed most of his appearances to this day, I don't think Dick would have really acted like this. He might have been a bit jealous but he would have understood that other people have the right to move on and not act like an immature asshole.

But anyway, there's a lot to love here too, especially Babs Tarr's artwork that is probably at its best here with every character looking gorgeous and the style fitting this particular day.

So, I didn't hate this issue, is too beautiful for that but some things could have been better.

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