miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

Some thoughts about Grayson #13

All the different organizations are against Dick Grayson, but fortunately he has also made good friends along the way.

Dick is currently being threatened by his own old partners and now he will need the help of his family if he wants to find the truth about someone who has a connection to all of them.

Yet another chapter that seems to cover every good point.

Tim Seeley and Tom King offer a new installment where they continue to develope the ongoing current mistery that is surrouding Dick's life and they not only manage to include people from the regular cast but also members from the Batfamily like Tim Drake who are fortunately nicely portrayed.

Not only that but there are also several mentions from Dick's history including the time he owned a circus and several important moments in this continuity like Zero Year, Endgame and Eternal which makes this series fit in a pretty cohesive way.

Mikel Janin remains in art duties and his work is stunning as usual with beautiful characters and clear storytelling skills that make every moment great.

Pretty solid issue and hopefully we will get more revelations in the next one.

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