What is the mystery of Millie Jane's disappearance?
After discovering a strange cult that is currently happening inside of Gotham Academy, Olive will be forced to try to investigate more about of one of its most terrifying places and this could prove to be more dangerous than what she could have imagined.
Once again, this series proves to be quite a compelling one.
Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher continue to explore the mystery surrounding Olive's change of character as well as the strange events that are happening currently in this institution. The character work remains strong with not only the protagonists receiving good moments in the spotlight but also giving enough to the supporting cast to depict their personalities.
The worldbuilding continues its path with new environments being investigated as well as new secrets being introduced. The sub-plots remain being developed along the with the main story which create a lot of content for this installment.
Karl Kerschl's artwork is gorgeous as usual, he demonstrates a lot of skill at storytelling and creating beautiful characters. This kind of style keeps giving the series a lot of personality and proves to be one of the stronger aspects of it, possibly the strongest.
Overall, yet another satisfying issue, keep it up.
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