miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2015

Some thoughts about Lobo #9

Lobo is finally going to learn what it feels to have people abuse their power.

Countess Fabria Odessa has managed to gain control over Lobo thanks to her spiders and he has no other choice but obey each of her commands but once that another misterious assassin appears his luck might change.

I certainly have a lot of things to say about this.

This is nothing out of common for this title and Cullen Bunn, they're telling the same story that has been happening since the beginning: Lobo is a badass and kills everything that is in his way, no surprises there aside from a little detail.

Lobo was actually raped here.

Yep, the Countess manages to use her spiders to control and rape him. This is something that made me very intrigued since I saw the preview, the concept about someone like Lobo, a person who tends to abuse his power against people who are weaker than him, finally suffering something similar presented a great contrast with the whole premise of the book. Cullen Bunn had the opportunity to explore the notion of rape and how that could have affected Lobo and his perspective of life.

And he wasted it.

Nothing about such thing was mentioned again after it happened, Lobo killed a bunch of people, managed to get rid of the spiders and "killed" the Countess, nothing more, nothing less. Apparently, exploring the concept of sexual assault is not as interesting as seeing Lobo commit murder (which he has been doing since issue 1) and talk to himself in third person so many times (without even having a sense of self-awareness) that makes me wonder what's going on with his and the author's head.

Oh yeah, and he's going after Sinestro as we saw in previous issues. Pretty compelling stuff, yes.

Frank Barbieri is in charge of the art and his work is the best part of this chapter considering how detailed and action packed his style can be.

This series is simply an exercise in futility and this issue is a clear proof of that.

8 comentarios:

  1. "the concept about someone like Lobo, a person who tends to abuse his power against people who are weaker than him, finally suffering something similar presented a great contrast with the whole premise of the book. Cullen Bunn had the opportunity to explore the notion of rape and how that could have affected Lobo and his perspective of life."

    It wasn't the first time Lobo had been raped - see the little crossover with Hitman.

    You forgot to mention the fact that the Capital and the Vega System has been mentioned, which in itself suggests that we may be looking at a possible Lobo/Omega Men crossover.

    1. Also, you seem to have missed the ending where it is revealed that Countess Odessa has revived herself with one of those spiders (possibly one taken from Lobo?) and plans on regrowing Czarnians for her "flesh factory".

    2. # Sorry, I meant to say Citadel, not Capital.

    3. Oh, I'm aware of that. The thing about what happened in Hitman is that everything that occurred to Lobo in that series was for comedic effect (although these days I don't think is acceptable anymore).

      The problem here is that the current Lobo series has a more serious tone and for that reason I think it should have taken the more serious route.

    4. Also, I didn't miss the Countess' fate. That's what I meant when I said "killed" is just that I didn't want to include many spoilers in my thoughts (and this kinda defeats the purpose of that).

  2. I just had a thought in terms of where the story might be headed - what if this "lifeblood" that is part of Lobo's planet and ceremony is the Dionysium from "Batman: Endgame"?

    1. It's most likely connected to the whole plot-point that Bunn has been creating about the fate of Lobo's race.

    2. If it is, it could make for a really cool story. The best part about it - it could bring in Ra's Al Ghul, Vandal Savage and the Court of Owls.
