miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014

Some thoughts about Justice League United #7

Both the Justice League United and The Legion of Super-Heroes will have to work together if they want to save the universe.

Ultra is still on Byth's hands and he's planning to use the kid for his own objectives. However, the two different groops of heroes will have to decide if saving Ultra is actually the best solution considering what he's destined to be.

The Infinitus Saga continues with yet another solid chapter.

Jeff Lemire keeps developing the story about the first encounter of these two different teams by delivering really good interactions between all the members from the cast as well as leaving little hints about different plot-points that are going in the future.

The dialogue continues to work great to emphasize the personality of all the characters and all of them are represented correctly.

If I have a complaint though, is that the issue felt a little light in content. It was over a bit too quickly.

Neil Edwards remains on art duties and brings a lot of great scenes during the issue which is full of bombastic moments thanks to the double-spread pages and beautiful character models.

Nice issue definitely, I just hope the next one brings more progression.

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