miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014

Some thoughts about Supergirl #37

Can Supergirl find a new home at the Crucible Academy?

The organization that has reached Kara is willing to teach her and her new teammates how to use their abilities in more constructive ways. They will need such help due that one of students is about to face one of his biggest challenges.

There's certainly a lot to talk about here.

For one, both Kate Perkins and Mike Johnson manage to get Kara's personality and voice perfectly as well including all the details that have happened during her life since she arrived on earth.

The rest of the cast receive a surprising amount of development too. Maxima, Tsavo and Comet present different personalities and backgrounds that will be interesting to see explore it more while at the same time, the Crucible continues to be an interesting place.

Even Superboy makes an appearance here for people who are interested.

Which brings me to the most important point of this book, the content. There's a lot of story packed here and manages to focuse on all the members of the cast nicely, is a pretty dense read.

Emanuela Luppachino's artwork is glorious will really expressive and beautiful characters and solid storytelling techniques.

Great issue, if you get it you will get your money worth.

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