viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Green Arrow #36 Preview

Courtesy of 13th Dimension

Goddammit Kreisberg, improve your narration!

8 comentarios:

  1. Ah! The best Green Arrow comic series. Much better than Lemire's.

    1. Haha I'm just messing with you, anyways I'm Grayson. CBR is trash now, I didn't get banned or anything, I just couldn't stand the amount of activity it gets since they rebooted their forums. So I jumped off that dying ship. I come here to look at previews because you're always on top of that.

    2. Hey, good to see you again man!

      Yeah, I don't like the forums anymore, that's why I'm not contributing to them as I usually did. There are banning people left and right for the most insignificant reasons and some of them are because you can't say anything bad about authors no matter if they're true or not.

      I seriously can't condone that.

    3. I would add that I'm glad it was you and not one of the nuts from that site that were stalking me.

    4. Yeah nice talking to you again, and for some reason I feel like it was Shaggy B who kept targeting you. I'm extremely disappointed in Earth 2 now (started with E2 Future's End). The weekly and the monthly have terrible pacing now. They should divide who is on each series. One series should have Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Flash, Doctor Fate, and Aquawoman featured while the other has Batman, Superman, Huntress, Power Girl, and Red Tornado. The World Army can be featured in both. So yeah that's my rant for the day I suppose.

    5. Yeah, I can't wait for the whole World's End thing to be over so we can start focusing on developing the world of Earth 2 (if it survives of course).

  2. Also there is no link attached to the 13 dimension.
