domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

Recommendations from the week June 3rd 2015

In the following order:
  1. Midnighter #1: Extremely promising.
  2. Action Comics #41: Probably the best issue from this run.
  3. Omega Men #1: Excellent presentation.
  4. Justice League #41: Great way to start an event.
  5. Green Lantern #41: Solid beginning for the new direction.
  6. Bat-Mite #1: Simply fun.
  7. Bizarro #1: Also fun but a bit more flawed.
  8. Batman Beyond #1: Simply okay.
  9. Superior Iron Man #9: Decent but a bit anticlimactic for an ending.
  10. Wonder Woman Annual #1: Decent but not really great.
No recommendation for Green Arrow because it becomes worse and worse everytime I read it due to its terrible narration nor Lobo because it was bad from the start.

Great and exciting week still.

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