miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

Some thoughts about We Are Robin #1

Gotham City doesn't have Batman but it still has people to protect it.

Duke has lost his parents after the last Joker attack and his situation has become more and more complicated with everyday that the people of Gotham doesn't do anything to find them. Now, he will need to take care of this mission himself while getting the help of others with similar motivations.

This the beginning of not only a new series but also the beginning of an interesting premise for the whole Robin concept.

Lee Bermejo arrives with a story that it's focused on Luke who many people might remember from Scott Snyder's run on Batman and the writer actually concentrates on some logical developments based on the events that happened during Duke's life which creates a compelling protagonist and also strong characterization.

The writer sells this direction as a concept in its purest forms, the Robins not only represent an organization but also an idea that is utilized to use the people from Gotham itself to save it. The writing style certainly helps this route with a pretty witty tone.

Jorge Corona is in charge of the pencils and his work is pretty appropriate with a semi-cartoony style that is able to depict every scene perfectly.

Pretty good start, one of the most promising opening chapters this week.

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