miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

Some thoughts about Grayson #9

There are new rules in the game.

Matron has been chosen as the new leader of Spyral and this might change the whole direction of the organization. However, there are bigger matters at hand since someone has been impersonating Dick and is killing different agents around the world.

Well, this book hasn't lost any steam.

Tim Seeley and Tom King return with a completely new direction since the last issue changed the whole status quo of the book. Matron presents an interesting choice as the leader of Spyral and creates an interesting conflict for all the characters.

Plus, the authors certainly exploit the whole sexy reputation that Dick Grayson has from showing him practically naked to making seduce a rich girl, the creative team are apparently having a lot of fun with this scenario.

Also, the last pages continue to present nice surprises and twists.

Mikel Janin returns to art duties and his work is one of the most relevant aspects of this book's quality thanks to his beautiful style and storytelling that gives the story a pretty cinematic feel.

Impressive issue and I'm truly glad to see these guys back.

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