miércoles, 6 de enero de 2016

Some thoughts about Action Comics #48

Superman will finally have to face the menace of Vandal Savage.

Clark is still trying to help others despite of the loss of his powers while Savage is gathering more power to conquer to the world and to stop him, Clark will need a little help.

How did this happen?

At one point, Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder were bringing some of the best Superman stories in Action Comics but the constant crossovers, especially Truth and the recen Savage Dawn, have destroyed all the momentum they gained.

About the story here, is just a by the numbers battle between Superman and the Justice League against Vandal Savage and his forces and all of that isn't executed in a powerful nor satisfactory way to actually justify such encounter.

Aaron Kuder and Rafa Sandoval share art duties here and Kuder's work remains the strongest definitely. Sandoval is not bad but is not up to par.

Quite mediocre, I can't wait for this crossover to end already.

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