miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

Some thoughts about Silver Surfer #6

Silver Surfer and Dawn Greenwood are bound to make friends and enemies wherever they go.

Norrin has no other choice but to follow whatever decision Dawn takes just to make her happy and that could be something pretty dangerous after they affect the balance of a perfect civilization and become criminals due to it.

Holy crap, this issue delivered in every front.

Dan Slott continues his work in this title by creating an immensily charming and lighthearted story whose focus is the sense of adventure and the relationship between these characters and it's just so lovable that you can't help but smile during the whole issue.

There are several puns based on real places like "Subspace" which make the tale refuse to take itself seriously and is wonderful. Even the way how both Norrin and Dawn get out of their predicament is pretty funny and make both characters quite likable, especially Dawn.

Mike Allred continues to be one of the most relevant parts from this book due to his creative style that captures a quite cartoony and creative style that completely screams "comic book". It's marvelous.

Yes, this is the best Marvel title from the week. No doubts about it.

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