miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Some thoughts about Loki: Agent of Asgard #7

Loki has been defeated by Doctor Doom, but can both survive what's about to come?

Doom has not been himself lately, he's been more prompt to be enraged and paranoid than usual so he realizes that someone must be manipulating his actions. Now, both Loki and him will need to stop the forces that have been controlling them no matter what.

The conclusion of this little arc and is a pretty satisfactory one at that.

Al Ewing really knows how to portray Doctor Doom. He manages to play with his character a bit to trick the reader into believing that there's a bad representation of Doom just to later reveal that he has been controlled by the current event in the Axis event. Is a pretty good twist.

The dialogue and overall characterization continues to be quite witty and it allows to create a pretty engaging read by implementing some of Doom's history with the Fantastic Four (which also includes Valeria).

The art is provided by Jorge Coelho and is pretty fitting for this tale despite that I don't find it particularly appealing, it makes the job done still.

Solid issue, but I hope that following ones are more event free.

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