miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Some thoughts about Red Hood and the Outlaws #35

Roy Harper has been badly hurt but how did it happen?

Jason and Roy are still dealing with the ramifications of Starfire's actions and they're starting to doubt if she's okay but despite of their best efforts that might not be enough to help her.

Once again, I find an issue from Scott Lobdell's run pretty entertaining.

The character work is pretty good. We especially see a lot of love for Roy and how much progress he has received over the course of this series, Jason and Kory also get some nice moments that exemplify the kind of persons they are.

Plus there's an interesting mystery about what is happening to Starfire and of course, that is connected to what happens to Roy in this issue.

I usually really like Geraldo Borges' art but his work here looked a little rushed, the characters faces were a bit awkward at points.

Other than that, this was still a satisfacory issue and it makes me glad I checked it.

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