miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2016

Some thoughts about Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1

Can the Suicide Squad truly save the world?

Amanda Waller believes her country still needs her Task Force X and she's ready to recruit someone like Rick Flag Jr. to lead her team. However, not even him might be enough to make them succeed with their mission.

Rob Williams' work on the franchise officially begins here. After a not so successful Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad April Fools Special, can the writer make a better job here?

Well, I guess he does but is far from spectacular.

For one, the writer focuses mostly on the reintroduction of classic Suicide Squad character and leader Rick Flag Jr. This allows for a nice sense of familiarity for old readers and the issue makes a decent job at explaining the history of the team as well as its members for new readers.

The story itself is solid but is not really that great. Is about the team handling a metahuman threat that could put the whole nation in peril. The characterization is accurate at the very least with most of the cast acting the way you would expect and delivering nice moments here and there.

My biggest problem is the dialogue. I don't really like Williams' dialogue, especially when it tries to be witty since he makes the characters talk in unnatural ways to sound either funny or smart but it never manages to deliver any memorable lines and so, most of the time they just sound awkward.

Phillip Tan handles the artwork and is appropriate do that he follows a similar style as Jim Lee (who was supposedly handling the book) with expressive characters and strong action scenes. Although it feels a bit rough at times.

Not bad but is still kinda unimpressive. Let's see if the following issue is better.

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