miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

Some thoughts about Green Lantern #44

Hal Jordan will need to work along with his enemies once again.

Trapper and Hal are currently trying to help Virgo after he was injured, and to do so they will need to arrive to a planet that has been in complete chaos since the Green Lantern Corps disappeared.

This direction continues to show great moments.

Robert Venditti delivers a new chapter where he focuses on the characterization and dynamic between Hal and his new teammate Trapper who doesn't really seem that trustworthy. The story manages to develope their relationship quite nicely, offering some interesting character and charming scenes for both of them.

There's also a solid amount of worldbuilding due that the writer dedicates a lot of scenes to develope the world where this story occurs. The action fortunately remains intense with a lot of exciting scenes.

Billy Tan and Martin Coccolo share art duties for this issue and their work is able to keep being consistent during the whole chapter, although I must say that I enjoyed Coccolo's work the most, his style is quite appealing.

Great issue, definitely worth checking out.

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