miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

Some thoughts about The Flash #44

The Reverse-Flash is ready to make everyone forget The Flash.

Eobard Thawne knows that he can't just kill Barry, he needs to destroy him and for that reason he's decided to inculprit him of an accident that could destroy the whole city.

This issue worked better than previous ones.

Robert Venditti and Van Jensen continue their work on The Flash by focusing on different characters aside from the protagonist. There are several scenarios being developed like Henry Allen, Hartly and David's relationship (which turned-out to be more complex than I imagined) and finally Wally.

The character work is strong with each member from the cast being explored in a way that makes you invested into their future and speaking of Wally, there's a segment here that promises interesting moments for upcoming issues and I hope that the writers manage to execute them properly.

The action remains intense thanks to Brett Booth's pencils which create a lot of dynamic scenes with great effects and energy.

Solid issue, hoping to more like this.

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