miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2015

Some thoughts about Green Lantern: Lost Army #4

The Lost Army has been captured and not all of them will survive.

After being abandoned by both Krona and Relic, John's group is about to suffer the tortures of people who are against the ones who use the light. However, John must know that there must be a way to escape.

Well, this issue was pure Cullen Bunn without a doubt.

Let alone the fact that the story itself lacks any kind of uniqueness in the narration, presentation and premise,  even some of the segments that might seem interesting like John having to choose between saving or leaving a soldier, these sections fail to have enough emotional weight or personality to actually make you care for them.

That's not the worst part though since Bunn is using one of the so charming tricks he has been using in the always lovable Lobo series: Killing characters for the sake of doing so.

Yes, a Green Lantern was tortured and murdered here and yes, he was one of the GLs that appeared at the beginning of Robert Venditti's run on the main series and quite frankly lacked any personality but the way how he's killed is still pretty anticlimactic. Bunn didn't even bother to build a bit of his character before doing this so once again, is an example of creating cheap shock value which doesn't even work because we don't know anything about the character to actually care about him.

Then there's also the bad characterization for Guy Gardner who for some reason now is a firm believer that the Lanterns are destroying the universe by using the light and is also against lying to others, bwhu?

Javier Piña replaces Jesus Saiz in art duties and he's actually a great replacement since he's able to mimic Saiz' style perfectly. It has a pretty appealing look overall.

Other than that, you can skip this. Is by the numbers and sometimes awful.

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