miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

Some thoughts about Convergence: Titans #1

Roy Harper is back to his usual self, for now at least.

After being trapped inside of the dome like many others, Roy has found the motivation to stop his addictions and be hero once again. However, the possibility of saving his daughter from another dimension might frustate his recuperation.

This event is actually delivering, yet another enjoyable chapter!

Fabian Nicieza plays with the ramifications of both Cry for Justice and Rise of Arsenal focusing on Roy's downfall but he immediately jumps to him getting better and helping other people to survive the current events.

The characteization is pretty solid which includes Roy's, Donna Troy's and Starfire's portrayals. The interactions is what you would expect from these characters considering their histories. It's also good to know that the writer simply ignored Roy's character development and focused on a logical direction.

Ron Wagner is on art duties and his work gets the job done with solid storytelling and detailed characters and scenarios.

Entertaining issue, let's see how this continues.

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