jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015

Recommendations from the week August 26th 2015

In the following order:
  1. Grayson #11: Perfect issue, there's no other way to describe it.
  2. Batgirl #43: Simply beautiful
  3. Justice League 3001 #3: One of the most content packed issues you can find.
  4. Harley Quinn #19: Hysterical.
  5. We Are Robin #3: Just how a teen book should be.
  6. Teen Titans #11: Not quite as good as the title above but still good.
  7. Aquaman #43: Surprised to say that I enjoyed this one.
  8. Sinestro #14: Ditto as the last one.
No recommendations for Cyborg because of heavyhanded writing, nor Superman because of bad characterization, nor The Flash because of mediocre story, nor Prez because is too one-sided in its satire, nor Justice League of America because of bad execution, nor Deathstroke because of overall stupidity.

The titles that were good were pretty good though.

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