Kyle Rayner is alive but he won't be the same again.
The Omega Men have a mission and is about saving the most people they can, no matter if that could mean that there will be some sacrifices along the way.
This new series continues and it's still a quite unique read, but that doesn't mean it is without problems.
Tom King brings a new chapter where he manages to develope more about this book's universe and explores about the particular politics about this people including their system and their beliefs while at the same time focusing on some members of the cast especially Primus and Kyle.
The book is also packed with content, at many points of the chapter I was expecting the ending to come but I was surprised to see the issue keep going so you will most certainly get more for your buck this time in comparison to the previous installment.
However, I must say that this story simply left me cold. In no way or form I felt invested in any of these characters in particular, not even Kyle who is one of the characters who I am most familiar with, the author doesn't give enough personality to them. The mission is there and they're going to follow it but aside from that, they're mostly devoid of life.
Plus, the writer repeats the word "Omega" so many times to get through your skull that at it can become pretty annoying. It might be the way how this society works but still it doesn't work in terms of narration.
Plus, is Kyle religious now? Huh?
Barnaby Bagenda continues to handle the pencils and his work is still quite adequate for the kind of story that King is selling with interesting layouts and quite good storytelling.
Overall, this simply wasn't for me. It wasn't bad, it just was "eh".
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