miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014

Some thoughts about Hawkeye #19

Hawkeye is currently suffering one of his biggest challenges yet, how will he be able to surpass it?

While trying to help others as he usually do, Clint Barton was left completely deaf by the attack of one of his enemies. Now with the help of his brother, Clint will have to try to prepare for an even more dangerous threat, disability or not.

I suppose that you're surprised I'm covering this title just now right?

Well, the most recent news about the cancellation of this title forced me, I have been a fan of archers in comics in general and Hawkeye has certainly been one of the most entertaining.

Matt Fraction continues his work in this series by once again exploiting an unique premise and going all with it. Clint Barton becoming deaf automatically allows to another kind of writing style, one that fortunately is executed appropriately with a lot of the panels focusing in sign languages and other ways to make Hawkeye communicate with others which create a pretty distinctive issue.

It doesn't end with that though since the writer also explores the relationship between Clint and his brother as well as their past which creates a pretty realistic dynamic that also makes their characterization much more deep.

All of this wouldn't have been possible without David Aja's excellent storytelling techniques, he interpreted Fraction's script perfectly and even improved it with some really interesting panels and beautiful artwork.

A great and interesting issue, it will be a sad day when this title is gone.

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