miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

Some thoughts about Bloodlines #1

Something terrible is about to happen around town.

A strange alien infection has been affecting animals making them dangerous for everybody else, especially a group of teenagers who just wanted to have a good time.

Who was asking for this series? No one?

Well, you have it and you know what? Is actually a good story.

The original Bloodlines was a typical 90's DC event where the company tried to introduce some new superheroes ("New Bloods") to their universe and aside from Garth Ennis' Hitman, they were characters who were quickly forgotten and with good reason, most of them were pretty silly even for 90's standards.

J.T. Krul aims to fix that though by making us know more about these characters before their change and actually feel for them. I'm going to say this about the writer, he has always been good at creating sympathetic characters and this pretty evident when we're presented to Eddie, a crippled teenage boy whose years are counted. This contrasts pretty nicely with the being he will eventually become as well as with his relationship with one of the characters and how that ends.

Not only that but the story introduces all the key players in an effective way by showing their personalities and motivations. It will be interesting to see their future developments.

V. Ken Marion handles the artwork and it looks solid with a good character models and detailed storytelling.

Surprisingly promising, hope it keeps getting better.

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