miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

Some thoughts about The Movement #12

The Movement always tried to do the best they could with what they had.

Virtue finally has a conversation with Captain Meers about the mission of her team and her original aspirations, about how they tried to help others despite of their limitations and how they defeated the Coral City killer. Nothing ended-up as she expected.

This is the final issue of this highly underrated series written by Gail Simone. The Movement has always been about characters that were not truly suited to be superheroes but still were for some reason.

Simone does a pretty good job at exploring such reasons and resolving most of the sub-plots she created on this series including Virtue's initial hate for Captain Meers and the motivations of each character. The conclusion for the ongoing arc about the Cornea Killer is satisfactory and presents an interesting case about the antagonists that appeared on this series.

If I had a complaint though, is that Sarah Rainmaker didn't appear here, that's the only one though.

Freddie Williams II has been delivering an amazingly consistent artwork during the course of this run and this issue is no different. He's such a wonderful artist that deserves all the props he gets.

Solid conclusion for this book, shame that it's gone.

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