jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

Recommendations of the week May 14th 2014

In the following order:
  1. Futures End #2: Excellent follow-up to a strong issue.
  2. Afterlife with Archie #5: Wonderfully terrifying.
  3. Justice League United #1: Great team dynamics.
  4. Constantine #14: Check this title again people!
  5. Superman/Wonder Woman #8: Best part of the Doomed crossover.
  6. Superman: Doomed #1: Good beginning for the event.
  7. Avengers Undercover #5: Excellent character work.
  8. Action Comics #31: Great portrayal of Superman.
  9. Green Lantern Corps #31: Good second chapter of the Uprising event.
  10. Superboy #31: Kuder is delivering a surprisingly entertaining story.
No recommendations for Worlds' Blandest as usual, still a solid week though.

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