Red Hood and Arsenal will have to face an enemy quite similar to them.
Jason and Roy are currently being attacked by the Joker's Daughter and a band of metahumans who just want to kill them. Nonetheless, Jason might be able to get the best of this situation if he manages to reason with a demented murderer.
Once again, this issue has both the best and the worst of Scott Lobdell.
For one, the relationship between the characters is well done. The characterization works for both protagonists due that both of them show their own similarities and how they're reflected in the kind of situation they're facing. Joker's Daughter is still annoying as hell and I don't think is necessary for her to get more importance but Lobdell doesn't make her more obnoxious than she usually is and there might actually some developments about her.
Having said that though, good God, the narration is blunt as hell. Lobdell doesn't leave any to the imagination and tries to explain everything that the characters are thinking in every line of dialogue or narration box and it gets pretty heavy-handed.
Denis Medri handles the art and his work is still nice enough with fluid character models and action scenes.
Not impressive and I don't think I will keep bothering with this.
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