miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

Some thoughts about Batman #12

Batman is suicide.

While trying to get to Bane, Bruce can't help but remember his problematic childhood after the death of his parents and how that affected his life now.

Can you imagine an issue where barely anything happens and instead is focused on terrible narration?

Well, imagine no more since here it is!

Tom King arrives with a new chapter in which he delivers a fight against Bane's henchmen. That's all, that's everything. There are no interesting moments here and there or in-between, that's all there is. Oh, but King tries very hard to make it interesting by delivering his usual unnatural, repetitive and overall awful narration with several awkward lines, words that keep being repeated to force a theme and Batman talking like a crazy person (Well, "crazier").

Oh, and there's also the little bit where Bruce was doing some self-harm when he was a kid. This particular topic was mentioned during King's interviews and to be fair is not terribly done but is barely there and is not even worth paying much attention to it. Worst of all is that the terrible way Bruce talks about it is so forcefully poetic that it simply doesn't seem real.

Mikel Janin is the best part here once again thanks to his great storytelling and style but he's wasted here.

Nothing to see people, just forget this arc existed.

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