miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016

Some thoughts about Batman #13

Batman and Bane's final fight is here or is it?

Batman has been betrayed by most of his allies and he's forced to Bane on his own unless his plans go just the way he predicted.

Well, I was wrong. There was no actual twist here.

I mean, there WAS a twist if you want to be specific but is about how Catwoman didn't actually betray Batman and was just following his original plans and is such a predictable course of action that one can't hardly call it a "twist", is more of the usual really.

To be fair, I thought that the twist Tom King was going to implement was about how everyone was being mentally controlled by the Ventriloquist which would have justified the terrible and inhuman way how the characters talked and quite frankly, I'm glad that it didn't happen since that would have made the story pretentious as hell since King would have justified his terrible writing just to force such idea.

Now though? Now is just an immensily mediocre issue.

I mean, there are a few good aspects like the Ventriloquist having an interesting scene but is so little and unimportant that one even wonder what was the point of him being here since I think pretty much anyone could have defeated the Psycho-Pirate in their own ways. Also, the characters still talk awkwardly without his influence. Nice.

Mikel Janin's artwork is still good looking with great storytelling and beautiful characters but is worth nothing if there's not a valuable story to tell.

This doesn't save the storyarc at all, this is probably one of the worst I've seen lately.

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