miércoles, 14 de enero de 2015

Some thoughts about Grayson #6

Dick Grayson is about to learn more about the world than he could imagine.

Dick has been fighting the Midnighter since the beginning of his career as an agent of Spyral but it appears like the battle is finally going to end. However, the mission is not over and there could be more about it than he thought.

I see that the series keeps exploiting all the style it can manage.

Tim Seeley and Tom King bring a story where they continue to explore more about Spyral and how it reflects into its members. The development of the organization seems pretty interesting and mysterious and both writers are able to create a lot of sub-plots for the future.

The character work is strong too, Dick is still a pretty competent protagonist who is able to surprise even the reader with all the resources he has, it was also nice to see how his past has influenced the kind of person he is now.

Mikel Janin's pencils are absolutely stunning. The storytelling skills are quite on-point and manage to capture all the scenes perfectly while giving everything a beautiful look at the same time.

Nice issue I believe, the style can become a bit too strong at times but it still offers a solid read.

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