miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015

Some thoughts about Earth 2: World's End #16

The heroes continue losing.

Kal-El has made the ultimate sacrifice to save his friends and now the fate of Earth 2 is at the hands of the rest of the Wonders but that apparently won't be enough.

First of all, the death of this Superman was a complete waste since the only reason why he was brought back was just to die again and simply to motivate the heroes. Even that doesn't make any sense he was believed dead to begin with and that should have been enough for the others to start acting.

There are some good aspects, for one Karen has finally gotten the Superman symbol which, at least I hope, means some character progression for her to stop being such a shallow girl. The thing is that this could also have happened without bringing back Kal just to sacrifice him but that's just me repeating the same obvious problem.

Plus, I sure as hell don't understand how Val is able to know the things he's doing. First he has sudden knowledge about magic and now he knows about other aliens and their weaknesses.

I want to tell these writer that you don't need to make him either undercompetent or overcompetent to compensate, there's a middle point.

The art is once again awful with some really predictable scenarios.

Still weak issue and series, don't bother here.

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