miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Some thoughts about Convergence: The Flash #2

The Flash needs to fight the Superman from the Tangent universe or does he?

Barry and Superman know that there must be a better way to solve their problems aside from following the rules that have been mandated but even in that case, Barry will learn that his fate is no better.

Pleasently surprised here.

Dan Abnett arrives with a pretty unique twist for the whole Convergence premise where both The Flash and Superman mostly talk during the issue and the fight itself just occurs for a few scenes. However, it completely works due that both characters come to a conclusion about why they shouldn't follow orders.

The characterization is also pretty good with both heroes connecting immediately thanks to their similarities and also showing what makes them the persons they are. The resolution for the battle is also a pretty logical one just as the ending.

Federico Dallocchio delivers one of his best works in art duties with beautiful characters, strong storytelling and detailed scenarios. All around wonderful.

Excellent issue, probably one of the best from this week.

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