miércoles, 16 de enero de 2019

Some thoughts about Catwoman #7

What is Catwoman going to do now?

After her last big fight, Selina is trying to put her life in the right path but an old acquaintance might have other plans for her.

This serves more as a set-up issue but gets the job done for the most part.

Joelle Jones arrives with a new chapter where she focuses a bit on the ramifications of the last arc as well as on creating a few new plot-points. The characterization is pretty solid, once again Jones demonstrates a good handle at Selina's personality and voice, her portrayal is really accurate and showcases her relationship with the rest of the cast. The portrayal of yet another Batman villain is also really interesting.

The plot progresses at a nice pace but it is still a rather fast read. Jones continues to concentrate on the spectacle for a few segments, particularly during the action scenes. Sure, there are key moments that allows for interesting set-ups, but the issue still feels a bit light in content.

Elena Casagrande and Fernando Blanco share the pencils and their work is really good looking, they're styles complement each other's perfectly, creating a seamless read and follows the style that Jones has created for this title appropriately.

Good chapter but I hope the next one offers more.

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