miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017

Some thoughts about Generations Hawkeye & Hawkeye #1

The Hawkeyes are about to meet once again in the worst circunstances.

Kate has gone back to the past to meet a young Clint Barton and help him survive a fight against some of his worst enemies.

This issue along with the Wolverine one have convinced me that I should have checked out more Generations tie-ins.

Kelly Thompson delivers a special issue where she implements perfectly the idea of a time traveling Kate trapped in the past along with the early days Hawkeye. The interactions between both characters is excellently portrayed due that the writer completely gets the voices of both creating a quite entertaining banter that never gets old. The dialogue especially shines here, that has always been one of Thompson's strong points and is especially obvious here.

There's also a solid amount of depth in terms of character progression due that we finally see Kate recognizing the kind of person that Clint is, all of this culminating in a pretty emotional moment with a nice dose of humour. The way how the past and present dialogue is executed is wonderful since even things like Clint's thought balloons are fitting considering this is probably suited in the Silver Age.

Stefano Raffaele's artwork is pretty appealing, he's able to depict the characters' expressions clearly and follows the script adequately.

Quite satisfying read, I'm ready for more of this.

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