miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

Some thoughts about Green Lantern Corps #40

Can John Stewart stop the same tragedy that has been haunting him for years?

The same kind of bomb that destroyed Xanshi has been planted in Zarox and now John has no choice but to try to save every person in this world despite that most of them have lost all hope.

This series concludes here and I must say that it solves a lot of the aspects that have been created over the course of this run.

Van Jensen plays with one of the most defining moments from John's history and manages to make him basically beat it by using one of the plot-points he introduced a few issues ago. It's a pretty satisfactory way to end the conflict and manages to give the character a sense of closure.

The rest of the cast also receive some really good scenes and once again, the writer uses a lot of the plot-points from his work here to give some nice moments of characterization.

Still, I wish they would have mentioned something about the relationship between John and Fatality since that would have made the issue perfect.

Bernard Chang shares art duties with Mirko Colak this time and while Chang's work remains as beautiful as usual, Colak's work is kinda underwhelming in comparison.

Pretty solid ending still, going to miss this book.

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