miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

Some thoughts about All-New Hawkeye #1

Hawkeye is in yet another mission that could end his life.

Accompanied by Kate in his mission, Clint can't hel but start reminiscing his life as a kid along with his brother and how both helped each other to survive their terrible childhood. In present time though, there are even more dangerous things.

This is the beginning of a new volume focused on Marvel's most famous archer and handled by none other than Jeff Lemire who also found great acclaim by working on another famous archer, Green Arrow. This time though, he will have to follow the work of the successful run handled by Matt Fraction so does the author offers a good beginning?

Well, so far so good.

Jeff Lemire concentrates on exactly what makes his work great: Family dynamics. I would say that the flashbacks focusing on both Clint and his brother were the strongest from this installment and the authors nail the characterization and relationship between them.

The rest of issue is also well-done since the author manages to use the tone cemented by Fraction in the previous volume with a similar sense of humour. It makes a great transition overall.

The art is handled by Ramon Perez who does an outstanding job by channeling perfectly the style created in the previous run for the present segments and using an unique look for the flashbacks.

Pretty good issue, a bit light in content but is still really enjoyable.

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