miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

Some thoughts about Constantine #19

Can Constantine survive the war between worlds?

After being lost in Earth 2, John is doing his best to ignore the rest of the planet that is destroying itself but even in his best efforts, he won't be able to accomplish such feat.

Best Earth 2: World's End-related issue? Best Earth 2: World's End-related issue.

Ray Fawkes creates a pretty interesting story which I see often neglected in the World's End event or events in general, about how normal people handle the destruction of the world and how each one of them react in different fashion.

The script becomes pretty powerful while John tries to make himself believe the people from this universe don't matter since they're not the ones from his reality which makes the conclusion of this little journey much stronger.

If I have one complaint though, is that it felt a little short but it was so good that it doesn't really matter.

Jeremy Haun continues on pencils and his work is able to capture every scene that the writer is using perfectly with a great sense of realism and expressions.

I can't say this enough, this is probably the best thing that came out from the current Earth 2 crossover. Highly recommended.

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