miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

Some thoughts about Superwoman #16

Can Superwoman save her city?

Lana has just discovered that Midnight has captured Steel and to save him and the rest of Metropolis she will have to put her life in danger.

Damn, this was quite unremarkable.

Kate Perkins offers a new chapter where she explores more about this new villain but does it in a rather simplistic way. There's a decent sense of continuity since the antagonist seems to be connected to how Phil Jimenez left Lena Luthor at the end of his run... and that's it, those are the positives.

The rest is pretty much superhero at the most basic levels with just a few interesting interactions here and there while involving an unimpressive villain and barely any character work for Lana, there's a bit of a "dilemma" at the end I guess but is not really that complex.. Most of the issue is just a big fight sadly.

Stephen Segovia's artwork is quite good though with beautiful characters and energetic action scenes.

Other than that, I'm just waiting this to be over.

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