miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

Some thoughts about Mister Miracle #4

Can Mister Miracle escape from hate?

Scott is forced to be put on trial by none other than his own brother and now both will have to uncover the truth.

Yeaaaaah, I have mixed thoughts about this one.

For one and as usual, Tom King goes full with his presentation skills to create a really interesting encounter between Scott and Orion which delivers quite compelling moments of characterization that explore the whole ordeal that the protagonist has been enduring since the beginning of this series and puts in question everything that we have seen so far which is accompanied by intriguing visual hints about what we should trust and what we should doubt.

But that also comes with its own sort of issues, I can't help but feeling this is pretentious as f*ck.

As usual, King goes full with his repetition tick to create one of the most emotionally engaging segments of the story and while at times it works, in others it gets pretty annoying, particularly how the whole "true or false" things repeats for basically half the issue in a nine panel page. That's without mentioning other scenes that try to be witty and connect some things but it only end-up being weird and makes this issue feel like it thinks is smarter than it actually is.

Mitch Gerards' artwork is pretty good though, able to follow the bizarre script perfectly and depicting it with a quite polished semi-realistic style.

Hit and miss, let's see if the next one is more successful.

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