miércoles, 10 de enero de 2018

Some thoughts about Mister Miracle #6

Can Mister Miracle escape from his execution?

Scott and Barda and coming to New Genesis decided to solve all of their problems no matter who is in their way.

Okay, this one worked much better I believe.

Tom King offers a new installment where he plays with the relationship between Scott and Barda and once again, is pretty successful at it. As I mentioned before, this book shines the most when it focuses on the romantic aspect of these characters and this is perfectly demonstrated in the typical banter that a married couple has, all of this escalates perfectly towards the heartwarming ending that gives you more hope about their future.

Of course this wouldn't be so good if that was the only thing going on since King contrasts that entire conversation with the brutal battle the couple is having to infiltrate New Genesis and fortunately King's presentation gets the best of it during every scene. Is really well-paced and emphasizes the best moments pretty well.

Mitch Gerards contributes a lot to the presentation obviously since King's vision wouldn't be possible without Gerards' amazing storytelling and style that depict every segment perfectly.

Great read, hope it continues this way.

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