miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

Some thoughts about Aquaman and the Others #11

The end of the Others is arriving.

Aquaman and his group are fighting against the team of assassins who were hired to kill them and to be able to survive they will have to use all the resources at their disposal.

The final issue of this title and I have to admit that I'm going to miss it.

Dan Jurgens does what he has always done since the beginning of this series: Deliver a solid superhero story full of great team dynamics and characterization.

The protagonist continue to be competently represented and the writer showcase what each one of them represent perfectly. Aquaman especially receives a pretty good moment and it's obvious that the author understands the character.

Vostok also gets a great portrayal and it certainly creates interesting developments for him.

Lan Medina offers his last work in this book and is still quite expressive with good looking characters and action scenes.

Solid, solid conclusion. This was a quite underrated series.

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