miércoles, 17 de enero de 2018

Some thoughts about Super Sons #12

Can the Super Sons figure out their future?

Damian and Jon have just met future versions of the Justice League and now they've been inspired to continue their partnership and even become better friends.

Mixed thoughts about this one.

Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason conclude this crossover by mostly focusing on the relationship between Jon and Damian and that's for the better. The characterization is really solid thanks to the compelling and even heartwarming moments that these two share that shows how far they've progressed as heroes, partners and friends. The way how they interact with the rest of the cast is also enjoyable, particularly the conversation with Superman and the Teen Titans.

That being said, good Lord, this was still a complete failure of a story. The whole teasing of the future was basically pointless since that's pretty much it, a teaser for future events. Tim Drake/Savior (still a stupid name) is lost in the Multiverse which is bound to have consequences in upcoming stories, the Titans of Tomorrow are just back to their own timeline in a pretty simple and quick way and the overall plot was solved too easily to the point that makes me think that most chapters of this arc were worthless.

Tyler Kirkham is in charge of the pencils and his work is really good thanks to his vibrant style and beautiful characters.

Character-wise it was good, story-wise it was awful. Mixed bag overall.

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