miércoles, 10 de enero de 2018

Some thoughts about Red Hood & the Outlaws #18

The Outlaws are starting to lose themselves.

In the wake of another supervillain attack, Jason will realize that something wrong is going with Bizarro but he can't even imagine the extent of it.

This story continues and gets more mysterious with each new chapter.

Scott Lobdell delivers another installment where he continues to develop the whole cast in surprising manners. The focus of the character explorations goes mostly to Bizarro whose mind is starting to decay, or at least that's what it seems at first since Lobdell seems to be hinting at a much more dangerous ramification and is leaving a few clues about where the story is going with this new revelation. Is the kind of character work that I can always look forward in this series.

That's not to say that the rest of the cast is forgotten since Jason also receives interesting moments that develop him even further and we also see the introduction of a classic hero that might make things a bit crazier for the team.

Sergio Sandoval handles the art and is pretty solid thanks to his expressive characters and clear storytelling.

Nice read, hope the next one arrives soon.

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