martes, 23 de junio de 2020

Some thoughts about Justice League #47

How can the Justice League face the wrath of God?

The Spectre is influencing the whole world now to the point where wars being declared and is up to Jim Corrigan to realize his true role in all of this.

This was actually a pretty satisfying conclusion.

Robert Venditti finishes his arc and run by creating a logical resolution for all of it. The influence of the Spectre reaches the whole planet this time in ways that are dangerous in a global scale which leads to a few interesting action scenes where the League tries to reach Jim Corrigan to stop all of this.

The highlight though, is the character work once again since Venditti brings an appropriate development for Jim to understand his work along with the Spectre and God which not only gives an explanation for how everything started here but also sets-up the next step for Jim as The Spectre. The League itself also get good moments like how Barry mentions "I'm too nice to stay mad" which is extremely in-character, even common people get charming moments including how everyone realizes that there's no need for war.

Eddy Barrows handles the art and is solid with strong expressions and action scenes.

Good finale and decent run overall. Wouldn't mind to see more like this.

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