Red Hood's biggest loss has happened.
Bruce has come to see Jason, this time not to fight but to tell him the terrible news of the passing of his best friend and this will put Jason in worse path.
Just like Green Arrow, this book manages to get the best from a bad situation.
Scott Lobdell offers his take on Heroes in Crisis concerning the death of Roy Harper and once again demonstrates the best aspects of this book. In fact, the story he told during the Annual makes much more sense now in context due that you can take it as an appropriate send-off for Roy and is logical that Lobdell handled it considering how much he worked on the character during the early days of the New 52.
The story here is really emotional due that Bruce was the one who told Jason about the tragedy and I like how Lobdell understands that despite of their fight, Bruce still cares a lot for Jason and knows that they need to put their differences aside when is important. The writer understands the relationship between these two and makes it much stronger because of that. All of this leads to a private conversation that Jason has with an absent Roy which is really adequate due that it even hints at a possible resurrection.
The plot progresses only slightly because of this but it gives us a promising cliffhanger for what's about to come.
Pete Woods is in charge of the art and is really solid thanks to his clean style and clear storytelling.
Pretty good read, if only Heroes in Crisis was as good as its tie-ins.