miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016

Some thoughts about Green Arrow #8

Can Green Arrow survive on his own?

Oliver has found himself once again in a desolated island but fortunately he will soon realize that he's not alone.

I can't believe it... I think I actually liked this one!

Yes, I think I actually liked a Green Arrow issue written by Ben Frikking Percy! There's actually a lot to like it here since Percy utilizes the premise of Ollie being once again in an island to focus on his relationship with Black Canary (who appears here for... unexplained reasons) and offers lots of charming moments like how their connection work and even a mention of Ollie's famous chili recipe which is something I was quite missing.

Not only that but the dialogue is in fact pretty solid this time! Percy doesn't waste the readers' time with his usual purple prose and delivers interesting lines that go to the point which is a big improvement over previous stories.

The biggest credit goes to Otto Schmidt though since Percy gives him a lot of space to tell the story with his pencils and it works wonderfully thanks to that. I swear I could buy this series if Schmidt was also writing it since he can make the plot very enjoyable thanks to his beautiful and distinctive style.

Solid, I'm more surprised than you.

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