miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016

Some thoughts about Supergirl #2

Supergirl will have to face her past once again.

Kara is still adapting to Earth's costumes and trying to put her life in the right road but the menace of the Cyborg Superman continues to increase.

Once again, this proves to be an entertaining read.

Steve Orlando offers a new chapter where he focuses on two segments: Kara's civilian life and her superhero one. The latter is nicely executed with her past with the Cyborg Superman from the New 52 being maintained which presents a good sense of continuity for new readers and puts it in the next logical direction.

However, I must say that my favorite part belongs to the scenes where Kara tries to get a normal job, her interactions with the rest of the cast are pretty enjoyable, especially Cat Grant who demonstrates a lot of personality.

Brian Ching handles the artwork and is still decent looking due to his cartoony style although the angles can be a bit bothersome.

Still, a pretty solid issue and I'm excited for the next one.

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