miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018

Some thoughts about Mister Miracle #10

Can Mister Miracle sacrifice what's most important to him?

Scott and Barda have gotten a proposition to end the war but the terms to do so are way too extreme to take them lightly.

Man, this issue was pretty heavy.

Tom King plays with the ramifications of the last issue about Scott and Barda realizing that the only way to stop the battle between New Genesis and Apokolips is to surrender their own son. I've had my complaints about King in the past (mostly in other books) but here he has shown a really strong development of that plot-point from all the people involved here. At first it seems like nothing really happened between Scott and Barda but the tension between the two keeps increasing once that they're forced to make a decision, one that they don't exactly share surprisingly.

The themes from the beginning are immediately brought back including Scott's suicidal tendencies which are finally confronted in a pretty realistic way, in a way that perfectly contrasts with his thoughts concerning his own son and delivers a quite blunt, yet quite on-point reaction to the whole topic. Is just selfishness at the end.

And the little references are also appreciated like the fact that Scott hangs around with Blue Beetle and Booster Gold, probably because of their time in Justice League International, and I'm especially a fan of how Jake gives Funky Flashman ideas for stories while he puts the words which is a clear wink to the dynamic Jack Kirby and Stan Lee had.

Mitch Gerads continues to be a master of storytelling by delivering strong expressions and powerful panels that make the script even better.

Fantastic read, probably the best this week.

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